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Follow here the News about MEMEX project!


After three years of activities, we closed our project in Barcelona with a conference presenting our results, and a European round table!

The event started with a presentation of the project's outputs by the consortium which fed the discussion of the European Policy round table which featured representatives from the European Commission, United Cities and Local Governments and independent experts!


"Augmented reality to create a shared cultural heritage"

Read the CORDIS article written about our MEMEX Project here! 
As our project is wrapping up, our coordinator Alessio Del Bue shared a few words with the CORDIS platform!


Lisbon, Paris, Genoa and Barcelona: the MEMEX Exhibition is here.

Discover the stories created by inhabitants through the MEMEX project as well as the project’s methodology, the prototype app, the pilots and the policy recommendations.

The MEMEX exhibition designed by Noho will showcase some of the stories, as well as the project’s social and technological development!


With a specific methodology created by ITI, social partners ran user experience tests on the MVP2 version of the app with community participants and stakeholders. The objective was to gather feedback to improve the app’s features for a better inclusive tool. More than 30 people tested the app in Paris, Lisbon, and Barcelona.

MARCH 2022

On March 9th, on the Facebook and YouTube channels of the Royal Palace of Caserta, the participants of the Vanvitellian Complex presented their digital stories created as part of the MEMEX project! In December, the ReggiaCard 2021 participants took part in five workshop meetings to tell their experiences and memories and elaborate personal and engaging digital stories. The goal was to build narrations composed of personal memories, photos, videos, and elements of cultural heritage to be shared with the community.

Watch their stories here!

January 2022

Following the capacity-building event of the Paris Pilot, partners gathered in Paris and online for a consortium meeting. Social and technological partners discussed the achievements so far and the activities to be carried out during the last year of the project. This consortium meeting has been an opportunity for partners to test the new feature of the MEMEX App in the Rosa Parks area (Paris): augmented reality.

November 2021

Our partner ECCOM heldthree sessions of  digital storytelling workshops at the Royal Palace of Caserta in Italyon the 23rd, 26th and 30th of November. 7 over-60-year-old participants and one employee are working on writing beautiful stories about the palace! Two last sessions will be held on December 10th and 11th.

November 2021
The second Policy Brief of the MEMEX Project is out!
It provides recommendations on social impact assessment focusing on the particular tool of "Societal Readiness levels" and its role in assessing socio-cultural projects.
It is available in English, French, Portugese, Spanish, Calatan & Italian


In the 3 cities of the MEMEX pilot activities, a capacity-building event will be organized. This event will aim at presenting the first results of the project to the professionals of the socio-cultural sector and to local policymakers. The two first events took place on December 6th in Lisbon and December 17th in Barcelona. The capacity-building event for the Paris Pilot will take place on January 24th, 2022.

This will be an opportunity for partners to present the methodology and the beta version of the app to professionals. The presentations will be followed by a discussion with the participants and by an app testing session!

FALL 2021

Users of the MEMEX app will be active actors shaping contemporary and historical content, including new material from their experiences and memories, and personalizing cultural heritage and creative media content in a meaningful and socially inclusive manner!

MEMEX app aims at allowing non-expert users to create and visualize stories related to their personal memories and experiences digitally linked to the geographical locations of either intangible (e.g. an event) or tangible cultural places/objects. The interface, designed on the needs of the community, will allow users to annotate using Augmented Reality (AR) any physical object or location with their memories in the form of digital images, videos, audio recordings, or textual input using a smartphone. Then, the targeted communities will be able to connect their experiences and memories with a new Knowledge Graph (KG), linking cultural heritage items and places with stories that are bound and entangled within European history.


IIT, the project coordinator, presented the MEMEX project at the 9th edition of the "Maker Faire" held in Rome from 8 to 10 October 2021. Maker Faire Rome is Europe's largest innovation and creativity event! Inventions, ideas, solutions, and the latest discoveries in technological research, robotics, and artificial intelligence are presented.
In this fruitful context, IIT presented the project to the public, demonstrated the Augmented Reality capabilities of the MEMEX app, and showcased videos of the project for further illustration. The audience of the Maker Faire was quite diverse, and visitors to the MEMEX stand were keen to discuss various aspects of the project. Many participants praised the social goals of MEMEX, while others were intrigued by the potentialities of the Augmented Reality app. The idea of geolocalised Digital Storytelling also stood out for many of the visitors, to the point that they asked whether it was possible for them to install the MEMEX app on their phones and create some stories.
Presenting the MEMEX project at the Maker Faire was a great experience that gave us a chance to spread awareness on the project, as well as to receive very valuable, and often enthusiastic feedback from the public!


MEMEX project consortium meeting was held in Madeira on July 8th and 9th 2021. It has been a time for partners to exchange about pilot projects, app testing, and storytelling workshops. A focused was placed on the 3 pilots of the project, on technology and witnessed a hands-on session with the MEMEX app.

A productive couple of days for the MEMEX project! 

Want to see more about the meeting?

Fall 2021

It is time for the second round of digital workshops for storytelling ! They will be aimed at reflecting on cultural heritage as well as creative writing, and offer the possibility of the participants to share their perception and stories of their neighborhood. We will start a new set of sessions in each pilot in Barcelona, Paris and Lisbon. The new campaign will engage more people in the MEMEX project, which is key to enrich the digital heritage of the pilots.

Know more about the Paris workshops here, the Lisbon workshops here and the Barcelona workshops here.

September 2021

The European Heritage Days are an opportunity to celebrate the shared cultural heritage of the many different towns, regions, and people in Europe. This year 2021, they embrace inclusivity and highlight regional and national diversity. As part of this event, MEMEX promotes social cohesion through collaborative, heritage-related tools that provide inclusive access to tangible and intangible cultural heritage and, at the same time, facilitate encounters, discussions and interactions between communities at risk of social exclusion. A social media campaign was lead on this occasion.

September 2021

Discover the Cais do Sodré, Rua do Alecrim and Roman galleries thanks to the new Lisbon teaser ! After participating in a series of workshops aimed at reflecting on cultural heritage and creative writing, the participants of the Lisbon pilot strolled around the streets to collect materials for their stories. The video teaser of the stories of the second project in Paris is available here on MEMEX Youtube channel. Watch the Barcelona teaser here and discover now the new Lisbon teaser !

August 2021

Discover the esplanade of Rosa Parks, the train station of the XIXth district and its park thanks to the new Paris teaser ! After participating in a series of workshops aimed at reflecting on cultural heritage and creative writing, the participants of the Paris pilot strolled around the XIXth district to collect materials for their stories. The video teaser of the stories of the second pilot in Paris is available here on MEMEX Youtube channel. Watch the Barcelona teaser here and stay tuned for the Lisbon teaser in September !

July 2021
The first recommendations for policy and decision makers, from local to European level are out ! They focus on the capacity building actions targeting cultural and social professionals involved in community engagement as key tool for inclusion. The Policy Brief is available in various languages.

July 2021

MEMEX project consortium meeting was held in Madeira on July 8th and 9th 2021, we were warmly welcomed by our Portuguese partner. We focused on the 3 pilots of the project, on technology and witnessed a hands-on session with the MEMEX app. On day 2, we broke out in discussions about Digital storytelling and the co-design of the app. A productive couple of days for the MEMEX project.

July 2021

Discover the Liceu Theater, the Ramblas street, the Columbus statue or Raval’s narrow streets thanks to the new Barcelona teaser ! After participating in a series of workshops aimed at reflecting on cultural heritage and creative writing, the participants strolled around the streets of Ciutat Vella to collect materials for their stories. The video teaser of the first pilot’s stories is available here on MEMEX Youtube channel. Stay tuned for the Paris and Lisbon teasers in august and september !

April 2021

With the local support of cultural and social sector organizations in Lisbon, Mapa das Ideias has been coordinating the Lisbon pilot since the second semester of 2020. Initial activities of the pilot were addressed to these stakeholders, and we have been reaching migrant participants since November, with the first recorded stories and APP tests by participants in April 2021.

April 2021

Since the launching of the project, the Paris pilot of the project has been running different activities. Organized by Michael Culture Association and Dedale and the local partners, these events have kept the Parisian pilot going. During the last months, the recording of the stories and the UX tests have been the main focus of the agenda.

April 2021

Interarts and its local partners (laBonne and Sindihogar) have been organizing many activities for the Barcelona pilot since the begging of the MEMEX project. Last year they participated in online training sessions to ensure the best practices and methodology for MEMEX project. Recently they prepared the online digital storytelling workshops for the participants of the pilot.

March 2021

MEMEX is one of the projects included in the NETCHER H2020 interactive map of European Projects. This map aims to build synergies across European Projects addressing Cultural Heritage Enhancing issues.

Blogpost for WE-Hope project, February 2021

WE-Hope project is about reasserting the value of memories, especially the painful ones. Like WE-Hope, MEMEX aims to create more inclusion in the cultural field and to involve socially fragile communities by reasserting the value of people’s stories and using co-creation methodologies.

December 2020

December 2020 marks the project's first birthday! This stage also coincides with the beginning of the activities carried out by the 3 pilots deployed in MEMEX in Barcelona, Lisbon and Paris...

October 2020

Between June and October 2020, Cristina Da Milano and Pascuala Migone from ECCOM carried out two cycles of workshops meant to build capacities for the implementation and evaluation of the pilots deployed in the MEMEX project.

24-26 April 2020
MEMEX team was participating in the EUvsVirus Hackathon organized by the European Commission in order to develop innovative solutions for coronavirus-related challenges.
Kick-off meeting in Genoa, 9-10 January 2020

MEMEX project held its Kick-off meeting on the 9th and 10th January 2020 in Genoa, hosted by its coordinator, the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT).

Memex project started in 2019 and will run until 2022.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 870743.
The views and opinions expressed in this website are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.