District XIX: Digital storytelling with inhabitants in priority neighbourhood of Paris
District XIX: Digital storytelling with inhabitants in priority neighbourhood of Paris
An enriched cultural route in district XIX in the north of Paris - Rosa Parks area. This is a priority territory and depends on a specific urban public policy. The Rosa Parks pilot will have a focus on population in a situation of risk of exclusion (young people, senior) due to poverty, urban environment access to culture and academic heritage. MEMEX will develop narratives based on digital heritage archives, inhabitants shared memories and a storytelling approach in order to improve the area identity and to give access to knowledge.
The community
- Young age population with 19% under 15, and 43% under 30. This is much higher than the rates observed in Paris and the 18th and 19th arrondissements (districts).
- Over 40% of the Rosa Parks’ inhabitants live alone. This proportion is lower than in Paris as a whole, but unlike Paris, it is mainly men who are alone.
- A high proportion of family are single-parent families, 27% of households is much higher than the averages observed in Paris.
- A high unemployment rate at almost twice as high as in the capital as a whole.
The challenge
- Social exclusion
- Unemployment
- Socially fragility of young people (early school leaving),
- Security problem,
- Lack of local facilities -- no library
- Tensions between arrondissements.
In addition Rosa Parks is often affected by high density of refugees people (one of the bigger migrant’s settlement of Paris during the year 2018).
What kind of actions?
- Territorial diagnosis: Produce a survey dedicated to the area in order to understand urban stakes, uses, communities, publics, ecosystem local actors.
- Building a territorial corpus: Collect and aggregate historical archive footage from the cultural institutions, inhabitants, testimonies, artistic and collaborative contents, stories of people.
- Storytelling the corpus: Aggregation of the data collected in the territorial corpus in order to design the local routes reflecting the experiences of the community.
- Using the app with inhabitants: Produce a report of the testing sessions of the app in a participative way with the local communities. The sessions will be observed to understand the users use and questioning users with an objective criteria.
- Restitution event: A public urban walk using the app and conference on specific topic “Urban digital storytelling”. In contrast to testing this event will focus on the engagement of local authorities & NGO.